
How to Perfect your Tennis Serve

Cagney Tennis Academy

How to Perfect your Serving Technique in Tennis

A great serve can be used as a weapon against your opponent but only when the technique is effective. When the serve technique is poor, it frequently becomes more of a liability than a strength. The serve in tennis is the most difficult stroke that needs a fine time sense and superb hand-eye coordination, balance, strength and power. We provide some tips below, but always recommend Tennis lessons to ensure your serving technique in tennis is up to scratch. 

The Serving Stance

In tennis, the ball is passed (hit) diagonally to the serving court of the opponent. Aligning your body in a straight line in the direction of your serve is an excellent technique to choose a serving position. Both feet must be behind the baseline when serving, with the right foot parallel to the baseline and the left foot facing far right or in the direction of the right net post.

The toes of your back foot are normally aligned with the heels of your front foot to establish stability in all directions once you complete the full-service motion.

The Grip

The grip you use to hold your racket is a key element in determining the strength, spin, and precision of your serve. The ‘continental grip’ known as the most versatile grip allows the server to deliver the ball with control, precision and power.

The angle of the tennis racket in this grip is perpendicular to the ground with the racket pointing to the sky to allow an effective hit on the ball. With practice you can manipulate your grip to perform different spins onto your opponent.

Man attempting tennis serve

The Correct Serving Motion

To prepare to follow through with a serve your knees should be slightly bent before the serving motion so that your legs will create extra force and service power as they drive upward. A wind-up is a serving technique that involves swinging the arms.

In a wind-up, the swing starts with the elbows bent upward, the racket is then swung to the back, the arms are then straightened, and the wrist is snapped. In a serve, a wind-up is not necessary, but increases the power of a serve.

To complete your serve, follow through with a solid relaxed movement. For right-handed players, have the racket close to your left hips. The follow through will prevent stress on the elbow joint or shoulder while allowing muscles to slow down naturally and with ease.

Perfect Your Serve with Private Lessons

Are you a kid trying to learn the basics to the tennis serve? Or perhaps a parent encouraging your child to enhance their skills. Your learning experience will be maximised with Cagney Tennis Academy’s Newcastle Private Tennis Lessons, which will also help you build your technical, tactical, movement, and match play skills as well as your mental approach to the game.

Every private tennis session is specifically designed to meet the needs of each student and is entirely focused on encouraging maximum engagement and hitting experience. The finest and quickest option to accelerate your learning and tennis game improvement is through senior and junior tennis lessons.

Cagney Tennis Academy specialises in Coaching for all levels, starting with beginners from three years of age, up to elite athletes.

So whether you’re a mature age wanting to perfect your serving technique in tennis or a young kid wanting to learn the basics, you can improve your technique, ability and game with Cagney Tennis Academy. Call us now or fill the form out below to find out how we can help you.

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