
Top 10 Tips for Kids to Improve Their Tennis Skills

Top 10 Tips for Kids to Improve Their Tennis Skills

Tennis is a fantastic sport for children, offering a combination of physical activity, mental engagement, and social interaction. Whether they are just starting out or looking for junior tennis lessons to take their game to the next level, there are plenty of ways for kids to improve their tennis skills and improve their success in the game. In this blog, we’ll explore the top 10 tips to help kids enhance their tennis abilities and have fun on the court!

1. Start with the Basics

Before diving into advanced techniques, it’s essential for kids to master the fundamentals of tennis. Focus on helping them understand proper grip, stance, and footwork from the beginning. Building a strong foundation will set them up for success as they progress in their tennis journey.

2. Regular Practise

Consistent practice is key to improvement in any sport, and tennis is no exception. Encourage kids to practise regularly, whether it’s hitting against a wall, rallying with a partner, or participating in private lessons and drills. The more they practise, the more their skills will develop.

3. Work on Footwork and Agility

Footwork is crucial in tennis, as it allows players to move quickly and efficiently around the court. Help kids develop agility and balance through drills that focus on movement patterns, directional changes, and recovery after shots. Tennis coaching is a great way to focus on specific skills or techniques with the help of a professional.

4. Focus on Technique

Proper technique is essential for generating power, accuracy, and consistency in tennis. Take time in teaching the correct technique for shots including the forehand, backhand, serve, and volley. Break down each motion into smaller components and provide feedback to help them refine their technique.

5. Play Mini Tennis Matches

Mini tennis matches are the perfect way for kids to develop their skills while having fun and gaining confidence. Practising in a game context emphasises control, placement, and strategy, making it ideal for young players to gain an understanding of different aspects and skills needed for the game.

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6. Improve Hand-Eye Coordination

Hand-eye coordination is essential in tennis, as players must accurately track the ball and make split-second adjustments. Engage kids in activities that enhance hand-eye coordination, such as catching and throwing exercises, juggling, and reaction drills. These skills will translate directly to their performance on the tennis court.

7. Learn from Watching

Watching professional tennis matches can be a valuable learning experience for kids. Encourage them to watch matches on and pay attention to the techniques used by top players and discuss strategy and tactics together. Watching tennis can inspire kids to try new things and improve their game.

8. Set Goals

Setting goals is an essential part of skill development in tennis. Work with your kids to set specific, achievable goals for their tennis journey, whether it’s improving their serve, winning a certain number of matches, or mastering a new shot. Break larger goals down into smaller milestones and celebrate each success and encourage a positive attitude.

9. Emphasise Sportsmanship

In addition to technical skills, it’s crucial to encourage values of sportsmanship and fair play in young tennis players. Teach kids the importance of respect for opponents and the rules of the game. Encourage good sportsmanship by congratulating opponents on good shots, shaking hands after matches, and accepting both wins and losses gracefully.

10. Have Fun!

Above all, tennis should be fun for kids. Encourage them to enjoy the process of learning and improving, rather than focusing solely on outcomes. Create a positive and supportive environment where kids feel comfortable taking risks, trying new things, and expressing themselves on the court. When kids have fun playing tennis, they’ll be motivated to continue practising and developing their skills for years to come.


Whether they’re aiming to compete at a high level or simply looking to have fun with friends, these tips will help them develop the skills, confidence, and love for the game that will last a lifetime. Cagney Tennis Academy in Newcastle offers an inclusive environment for all players to learn, thrive and reach their full potential. Book a court today or contact them for the best ways to improve your child’s tennis skills.