
Hot Shots Tennis

passionate about tennis

Tennis For Kids 3-12 Years

Hots Shots is the Tennis Australia-modified program that caters to pre-school and primary aged children between 3-12 years. We’ve been offering Hot Shots tennis classes and competitions since it was introduced by Tennis Australia over 20 years ago. 

The program runs for 10 weeks over a school term, and is a modified program in 3 stages that allows children to learn how to play tennis in a fun, games based environment. Our classes are graded, with children learning and experiencing tennis alongside other children of similar age, ability and experience.

Kids play on smaller courts with modified equipment to make it easier, and more fun to progress. We have lighter racquets, lower nets, and tennis balls that don’t bounce too high – so they are easier to hit and chase down.

All our coaches are accredited / qualified with or have trained with Tennis Australia’s Coach Membership team. 


We run classes at time and days that suit our participants and their families. Class times change from term to term so for current times, days and centres please submit an enquiry and we’ll be in touch shortly. Alternatively, call Louise Cagney on 0400 881 166.

anz hot shots

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Learn Tennis For Life
The Hot Shots tennis program for children develops kids mentally, and physically. A child’s early years are when fine motor skills are developed, and tennis is amazing for developing coordination, speed, strength, and agility.

All exercises, drills and games are designed to help children learn and use correct tennis technique, while encouraging children to experience, learn and problem solve along the way.

Tennis Hot Shots is above all – FUN! Kids develop their social and problem-solving skills while playing in a team and as individuals. Also, they learn how to cope with wins and loses fairly.

It is designed and endorsed by Tennis Australia and is the ONLY junior sports program that is endorsed by the Board of Education as compatible with the National Curriculum in schools.  In our 30+ years of experience, we have found it the best program to teach children how to play tennis, quickly, effectively and correctly. Children coming through this program are then able to progress into out competitions as well.